Summits with prominence of 1,500 meters (4,921 ft.) or greater
Because people have legitimate differences of opinion as to what
constitutes Europe
(as distinct from Asia and from Oceania), peaks have been placed on one
of three lists:
"Core Europe" -
constituting 99 peaks in Mainland Europe west of the Volga River and
including the Mediterranean Islands.
"Europe: Atlantic Islands"
- constituting nine high points of islands in the North Atlantic and
Arctic that are commonly associated with Europe.
"European Russia and the
Caucasus" - constituting two summits on the Eurasian divide, and
summits in both the Russian Caucasus and the Caucasian states.
It is felt therefore that hikers desiring to work on hiking the
European ultra-prominences may content themselves with the "Core
Europe" list, or may choose to draw inspiration from the two auxiliary
Two large .gif files have been prepared that show the location
of Core European summits.
Beware of long
download times. Map 1
The European Peninsula, including Mediterranean Islands. (472 kb) Map 2
Scandinavia. (152 kb)
On the map, each ultra-prominence is identified by a number,
representing its relative rank. Names and provisional prominence
values appear at the bottom of the page.
Large red triangles represent peaks with 610-1,499 meters prominence
(2,000-4,921 ft). Small red triangles represent peaks with
305-609 meters (1,000-1,999 ft) prominence. These peaks are as
yet unnamed in the listings, and subject to further map verification.
If you thought all of the high prominences in Europe were in the Alps
and Pyrenees, you are more than half wrong! The Alps acheive 44
ultra-prominences of the 98 on the Core Europe list. The
Pyrenees, only one! The real surprise is the number of ultras in
Greece and the Southern Balkans. It is also interesting to note
that there are comparatively few ultras along the central divide of the
Alps. There are a greater number in the foothills both to the
North (Alpstein, Northern Austria) and South (in Northern Italy.)
For those who prefer to categorize summits by country, the following
table should inform. Four summits sit on an international
boundary. Cyprus has been added to this list, although
geographically speaking it really should be on an Asia Minor list.
# in # on
Core Europe Atlantic Is.
6 Austria
13 Bulgaria
4 Cyprus
1 France
9 Germany
1 Greece
18 Iceland
0 1 Italy
21 F.Y.
Macedonia 4 Norway
4 2 Portugal
0 2 Romania 4
1 Slovenia
2 Spain
4 4 Sweden
2 Switzerland
8 Ukraine
There are two borderline P1500m summits in Serbia/Montenegro which are
at present not included on the list or map. In both cases,
inclusion of the peak is pending reconciliation of discrepancies
SRTM data and 1:50,000 DMA mapping.