Cell Reference Map
California Mountain Atlas
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California Mountain Atlas


Riverside County, California

Prominence:  3,996
Rank:  17 in CA
The Mountain:

List of all P500 summits on the cell:

The Toro cell consists of 24 summits that comprise the Santa Rosa Mountains in Riverside, San Diego and Imperial Counties.

Map of all P500 summits on the cell:    

reformatted:   December 19, 2004

1 Toro Peak 8716
3996 4720 40 33º31'25"N 116º25'33"W
2 Martinez Mtn. 6562 38 1682 4880 40 33º33'15"N 116º20'43"W
3 Coyote Mtn. 3192
1592 1600 40 33º20'36"N 116º19'43"W
4 Asbestos Mtn. 5265
1225 4040 40 33º37'39"N 116º27'33"W
5 Rabbit Peak 6640 40 1200 5440 40 33º26'00"N 116º14'22"W
6 BM Coyote 2613
1133 1480 40 33º39'01"N 116º20'51"W
7 Pt. 5320+ 5320 40 1090 4230
33º22'31"N 116º11'29"W
8 Pt. 6582 6582
1062 5520 40 33º27'34"N 116º18'45"W
9 BM Coolidge 2242
1042 1200 20 33º22'56"N 116º04'38"W
10 Pt. 1601 1601
1041 560 40 33º38'47"N 116º17'45"W
11 Pt. 2516 2516
836 1680 40 33º32'40"N 116º13'36"W
12 Pt. 4458+ 4458 22 738 3720 40 33º26'36"N 116º22'41"W
13 Indio Mtn. 2226
706 1520 40 33º40'16"N 116º20'34"W
14 Pt. 2697 2697
657 2040 40 33º18'28"N 116º07'34"W
15 Pt. 3160+ 3160 40 600 2560 40 33º29'43"N 116º14'36"W
16 Pt. 2449 2449
589 1860 20 33º33'05"N 116º14'59"W
17 Murray Hill 2200 20 580 1620 20 33º45'54"N 116º29'59"W
18 Villager Peak 5756
556 5200 40 33º23'18"N 116º13'08"W
19 Pt. 1880+ 1880 20 540 1340 20 33º30'23"N 116º12'38"W
20 Pt. 4440+ 4440 40 520 3920 40 33º27'52"N 116º14'45"W
21 Pt. 4673 4673
513 4160 40 33º27'11"N 116º28'37"W
22 Pt. 4345 4345
505 3840 40 33º31'00"N 116º18'52"W
23 Sugarloaf Mtn. 4775
495 4280 40 33º35'18"N 116º26'05"W
24 Black Hill 3689
489 3200 40 33º37'38"N 116º24'43"W